Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not quite enough snow...

We had a dusting of snow this morning, so out we went!  Little man really really REALLY wanted to build a snowman so this is what we came up with despite the lack of a big snowfall. 

Ta-dah!  Our Snow Family! 

(I suppose I'm the red headed one...)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lovin' the Wee Folk Art website!

One of my favourite websites is having a contest today and it's to win a pointsettia garland kit (fabric, felt, buttons).  If you like crafting with kids, home learning and celebrating the seasons, then this is a website for you too!

Here's a link to the garland pattern:

To sign up to win this garland kit, the link is:

No Hoopla!

When our son was 3 years old, we were out at a museum and he was getting over excited and couldn't get his words out right, then got all worked up.  I said "there'll be no hoopla" and he immediately stopped and started laughing.  Two simple words that breaks the ice and turns the the moment into a positive one.  We're all for that!

I have no idea what this blog will be, probably more of a place to just tag other websites that I've enjoyed, that have made an impression on our life.  Time will tell...

Take care!